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Exporting filters

The Filter Export tab initially shows four empty "slots" for filter sets (a filter set is one filter for each channel).

Export a filter

To export a filter into a slot, click on the slot. At the right, enter the name and description and click Export filter:

The Dirac Live export tab with one filter already exported

A circular progress indicator will indicate that the filter is being downloaded to the miniDSP Flex Eight (DL). When filter export is complete, the UI will return to the Measure tab so you can adjust the target curve to create a different set of filters. Return to the Filter Export tab to view the list of loaded filters:

An example list of exported filters

Check your device volume

Check your device volume before you return to normal playback. The Dirac Live app may have reduced the device volume as a safety feature.

Replace a filter

To overwrite a filter slot, select a slot with a loaded filter and click on Replace existing filter.

The button to replace an existing filter


If you have set up any back-end processing (subwoofer, active speaker, etc.), be sure to load the filter into the same slot as the preset selected when running the Dirac Live calibration measurements.

Delete a filter

Hover the mouse over a filter in the sidebar list. A red circled "x" will appear. Click on it to delete that filter.

The button that appears to delete a filter when hovering over the filter name

Switch between filters

To audition different filters while still running the Dirac Live application, use the filter selection checkboxes in the sidebar to choose the filter set to listen to:

An example list of filters and the checkboxes to switch between them


Selecting a filter here will also select the matching preset in the back-end processing set up by miniDSP Device Console.

Check your device volume

Check your device volume before you return to normal playback. The Dirac Live app may have reduced the device volume as a safety feature.